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Thai Institutions

The Office of Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning (ONEP)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) has mandates to formulate policy and plans to enhance and preserve environmental quality by developing policy, plans and measures relevant to sustainable natural resources and environmental management, coordinating and collaborating with partners to put forward concrete actions in natural resources and environmental management, as well as carrying out monitoring and evaluation activities to ensure effective natural resources and environmental implementation in the country. In addition, ONEP has also mandates to oversee the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and its relevant measures, with the aim to strengthen Thailand’s economic development and promote sustainable development and the management of the National Environment Fund, as well as to collaborate as a National Focal Point under UNFCCC with domestic and international partners to tackle the climate change and its impacts, as well as to achieve the sustainable conservation of biological diversity. 


Mr. Irwin Vich Gonsalves 

Policy and plan analyst 

Tel. 06 552 41923 



Address: Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) 

118/1 Tipco Tower 2, Rama VI Road, Phaya Thai,Bangkok 10400, THAILAND 



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